Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I will write your message on a banana

I will write your message on a banana


js-gig-main-desc ">It's peanut butter jelly time!

Possibly the funnest way to get your message out to the world! I will handwrite your name or message on a banana, take an amazing photo and send you that image. 

For $5, you'll get a photo of your text on a banana that has been optimized for the web.

- Keep your message short and appropriate! 
- Longer messages may not be as readable as short ones.
- I can add simple drawings such as hearts, stars, smiley faces, etc.
- If you have specific backgrounds/locations and props in mind, message me first and I'll try to make it happen!


iresearch:Outstanding Experience!

adrifz:Thank you!

mrcmcq:Outstanding Experience!


guidosegni:Outstanding Experience!

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